Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017, Don't Let Me Down

So it’s 2017. We all made it through 2016. Granted, we still have a Trump inauguration and presidency to “look forward to,” but here’s hoping that this year shapes up to be somewhat better than the previous one.

There were some cool things that happened last year in nerdom, and there are some things that I am looking forward to this year.  So to begin this year, I want to take a look at the things that I am excited for. 

It’s Happening:

Logan – March
This seems to have some of the Old Man Logan arc incorporated into the new timeline created by the X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse films. While I am always a bit iffy on the X-Men franchise films, the trailer for this one probably has one of the best uses of Johnny Cash’s version of the Nine Inch Nails song, “Hurt.”

American Gods – April
This is an adaptation of the amazing Neil Gaiman novel by Starz. I have been excited for this since I heard it was being adapted for television. Unfortunately, producers only have the rights to the first book and not Anasasi Boys. For those not who haven’t read the book, and you should do so because Neil Gaiman, one of the main premises is that the gods of mythology are in fact real and have incorporated themselves into American society as new gods like technology, media, etc have taken their place. I could tell you more, but why spoil the fun?

This series on Hulu will be based on the Margaret Atwood novel of the same name. It imagines a dystopian future set in New England where women no longer have agency over their own bodies. After a staged terrorist attack blamed on Islamic extremists, the US government and Constitutional rights have been suspended in the name of restoring order. The new totalitarian theocracy established re-organizes society in a militarized, hierarchical social classes with an Old-Testament inspired fanaticism. The novel is a must-read for anyone concerned with women’s rights, especially in the current political climate. It’s scary to think that the novel was published in 1985 considering.

The first one was so fun, so I’m looking forward to this even more. I have to admit that mostly it’s because of Drax. Don’t get me wrong, Chris Pratt is amazing as Peter Quill/Star-Lord, but Dave Bautista’s delivery as Drax has been spot on. This past summer as I was reading CM Punk’s (yes, the former WWE superstar and current MMA fighter) run on Drax I just kept hearing his voice in my head. BTW, if you like Drax as a character, I definitely suggest checking out Punk’s arc. 

Wonder Woman – June
I’m cautiously optimistic about this one. I love Wonder Woman as a character, but I am less confident in the treatment she will get from the DCEU. This one has a woman at the helm in Patty Jenkins who previously directed the Aileen Wuornos bio-pic, Monster (2003), though I am even less confident that many other women directors passed on the film before it was originally slated to be directed by Michelle MacLaren whose interest waned over creative differences. It would have been MacLaren’s first film as she previously directed TV episodes for series like The X-Files, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Better Call Saul, The Leftovers, Westworld, etc.

Ever since I got a glimpse of the new Spider-Man and his alter-ego Peter Parker in Captain America: Civil War, my excitement for this has ramped up. While I didn’t mind Andrew Garfield’s Spider-man, it finally feels like they will get it right this time. This is the Spider-Man movie we have all been waiting for. Marvel Studios should deliver because let’s face it, even their “worst” movies are still pretty damn good.

Thor: Ragnarok – November
There hasn’t been a lot in terms of possible spoilers for the film other than an amazing cast which now includes Jeff Goldblum and Cate Blanchett and so many others. We do know that elements of the Planet Hulk story arc from the comics will be pulled into the Ragnarok storyline. So also, we get Mark Ruffalo in this one. Plus, the prospect of this film in the wake of Civil War led to a great mockumentary with Thor and Banner and Darryl. #TeamThor

What I Want to Happen (Possible Spoilers ahead):

The Walking Dead – February
The war with Negan and the Saviors is coming. We’re going to get to see more Ezekiel and Shiva. I am excited for all of those things, but the mysterious figure at the end of the mid-season finale seems to be pointing towards another enemy on the horizon: The Whisperers. This group is led by a woman, called Alpha. It’s more of a pack like The Wolves than a community like we’ve known. This group wears the skins of walkers as camouflage. 

Game of Thrones – Summer
Winter is finally here, which means production had to be delayed in order to achieve the snowy effect. Jon Snow is King in the North. Petyr Baelish is scheming. Arya is back in Westeros and in the Riverlands. Bran is headed to the Wall. Dany just picked up a fleet of ships in Dorne with the Sand Snakes and Tyrells backing her play. It should be an exciting season albeit a short one at 7 episodes. I want my Stark reunion even it if means the magic of the Wall is in danger and the White Walkers can enter Westeros. It would also be great for Jon to find out his parentage rather than just the audience knowing (R + L = J).

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